The War of 1812

I would not call the War of 1812 a second revolution, it was more like what we see today. A super power (Britain) using it's strength to accomplish it's military objectives. Britain is at war with France, battling Napoleon Bonaparte. At the time Napoleon controlled most of Europe, and since Britain had a powerful navy they used it to block all neutral trade to France, as part of the blockade efforts merchant vessels were often searched and any British sailors found were impressed into the Royal Navy. Many Americans were also impressed into the Royal Navy as well which caused a lot of Americans to rally for war.

It might of been against international law to block trade with France, but who's going to stop you. I don't think a second class world power like America is going to interrupt your military goals. The British issued a warning letting all American Vessels know that about neutral ships trying to trade with France.

President Madison is pressured into declaring war against Britain, and in June of 1812 the US declares war against Britain. Since the British are living in Canada, the Americans decide to invade Canada. Ultimately the Americans are unsuccessful with the invasion efforts due to a number of reasons. One of the reasons being the British got the Indians to help in the fight against the Americans. The battles that occurred on the frontier were often vicious and bloody, both sides were savage and were not above killing women and children. The war goes on for almost 3 years with America and Britain signing the "Treaty of Ghent" officially ending the war. The treaty pretty much reverts everything back to they way it was prior to the war. No new territory is gained.

In conclusion, I think the Americans wanted to take the British territory in Canada, and the British happen to be a good reason to invade. The only nation that was fighting for their freedom was Canada.

The real victims were the Indians, but that seems to be the theme throughout the birth of our nation.